Installing drivers for SFPTotal Plus\Mini

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Driver installation under Windows 7 or Windows 8 x64 require a driver digital signature.

Please, download driver for SFPTotal Plus/Mini: Download. The archive contain a certificate, signed drivers and utility to add a certificate to the local storage system.


1. Unzip archive with driver and certificate to new folder.

2. Start cmd.exe under Administrator permissions.

3. Go to new folder with unziped files using command "cd FOLDER_PATH".

4. Execute next commands to add SFPTotal certificate in Trusted Publishers:

.\cer\certmgr.exe -add .\cer\SFPTotalTeam.cer -s -r localMachine ROOT

.\cer\certmgr.exe -add .\cer\SFPTotalTeam.cer -s -r localMachine TRUSTEDPUBLISHER

5. Execute next command to add driver in system:

pnputil -i -a "SFPTotal Device.inf"
