Write firmware to the transceiver's memory

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Due to mismatch of the majority of the modules to the MSA standards because of installed special controllers or use non-standard ways of writing firmware into transceiver’s memory by the manufacturers, SFPTotal software implements two different approaches.

Programming according to MSA standards

If transceiver supports writing the memory according to the MSA standards for the selected type of module, software sends a command to the programming board that implements the algorithm of writing into the memory.

To initiate the writing, you must:

1. Connect the PG series programmer to a computer and run the program SFPTotal Wizard, or just connect the device, if the program is already running.
2. Connect the transceiver to the programmer port.
3. Choose type of your transceiver (Module Type) and a memory table for reading (Select table).
4. Make sure that the tab TABLE contain the correct firmware for writing.
5. Press button for writing the transceivers memory.
6. After finishing the procedure of writing firmware software will display a message in the history of operations executed by the command:
  • WRITE OK - writing was successful,
  • WRITE FAIL - the writing was unsuccessful

Programming using scripts

When the first option does not work for the selected transceiver, writing into memory is made with a special set of commands (scripts) that are sent to the programmer for a realization of custom writing algorithm, supported bytransceiver.

The basic set of scripts for writing the firmware to the memory of the transceivers from different manufacturers is supplied with the program.